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    After studying and composing in all the modes that are available in this site, here comes the next step:
   Compose real music, larger and more complex works, for any instrument and any style and listen to how they will sound, using all the beauty and diversity of Makam Music.
   Below are some examples. Thank you very much if you listen to them.
   You can download these and other works at this link:
(Fernando A. Martin's Best Works)

Deep Into The Forest (Sultâni-Irak Makamı - مقام السلطاني عراق)
Over The Green Hills (Hicaz Makamı - مقام الحجاز)
Ferahfezâ Sonat - سوناتا فرحفزا - Harp Sonata in Mode Farahfaza
Dil-Keşîde Fasıl - وصلة دلكشده
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